What would life feel like if you began to establish a sense of safety within your nervous system? If you brought awareness to your body and established a trustworthy relationship with your innate somatic wisdom? What if you allowed your emotions to flow through you and detached from stories and mental patterns? How would your relationships and your connection to community shift if you embodied a sense of authenticity and creative expression?

Hi, thank you for being here. I’m Francesca of Wild Yarrow Somatics. I am devoted to the mental, emotional, and relational health of our greater Teton community. It brings my joy to serve you on your journey to greater aliveness through somatic embodiment, time with horses, community circles, and untamed retreats.


Wild Yarrow Kid's Horse Bonding & Riding Sessions are in full swing. My heart bursts watching these young riders step into courage, independence, and shower our horses with love and kindness. There is nothing quite like child-like awe and the child-horse bond.

Time with horses helps: 

  • Regulate the nervous system and eases anxiety, stress, and depression

  • Improves both non-verbal and verbal communication

  • Finetunes fine and gross motor skills

  • Strengthens core, trunk control, and head/neck control

  • Promotes independence, self awareness, and leadership skills

  • Ignites the senses and soma 

  • Offers endless opportunities for play, connection, magic, and belonging

Our sessions include mindfulness and sensory based practices, safety with horses, grooming horses, games and experiences on and off the horse. This is a consensual, safety oriented and holistic approach so we take things slow in order to develop a secure bond between horse, rider, and instructor.

Kind words from inspirational mothers:

“Having my daughter work with Savvy and Franny has been such a gift, an answered prayer really. She has a huge capacity to feel her emotions and sometimes they can be intense and nothing we have done so far has helped her.  With only a few lessons we have already noticed a difference in her entire being. She is more confident and has been able to self regulate in times when these big feelings come forward. Being able to ride Savvy and find friendship with her and Franny has opened my child’s world. Every day she has a session she is beaming! I am amazed at how intuitive, clever and fun Franny makes each session. She is amazing with children and has such a warmth to her approach. Savvy has been such a great horse also and my daughter hasn’t stopped talking about either one.” - Sarah

“What a true gift our experience with Franny and Savvy (the sweetest horse you will ever meet) at Wild Yarrow has been! With no prior experience with horses, the whole process feels very natural for our 3-year-old daughter, Piper, all thanks to Franny’s thoughtful planning and guidance. Piper enters this magical space where her feelings are validated, encouraged, and worked through. As she bonds with Savvy I see her cultivating a deeper self-confidence and respect for the horse's boundaries and her own. I highly recommend these sessions to ignite courage, mindfulness, and connection for your child. It’s truly just a bonus that she’s 3, riding a horse with stirrups and reins, with the brightest smile, “all by herself!” We couldn’t be more grateful.” - Lindsay

Horses as healers. Research shows.

Horses have a coherent heart rate pattern which is associated with grounding, joy, and low stress. When we enter a horse's energetic field our nervous system taps into their heart rhythm which supports us in feeling more calm, relaxed, and happy. Our blood pressure & heart rate decrease. Horses are able to sense our emotions through our heart rate and other physical and energetic responses. They act as honest mirrors of our emotional congruence and incongruence. They celebrate us for our authenticity and can also show us where we are limiting our true potential.

Horses invite us into deeper body, emotional, & energetic awareness.

Horse Medicine


Horses as healers: Connect with horses on a soul level. Deepen your somatic and energetic awareness through guided equine assisted exercises. Enjoy half day and full day rides through the pristine wilderness of the Wind River Mountains.

Rituals for the heart and womb: Engage in movement, breath, song, and community activations designed to deepen your connection to your own heart and womb space as well as with other women.

Connect to the land: Immerse yourself in this high alpine ecosystem through hikes, foraging workshops, fly fishing, horseback rides, and guided movement, meditation and self inquiry.

Food as medicine: Food as ritual. Jenna’s menu and herbal tea offerings are designed to deepen your connection to yourself, your health, and this magnificent ecosystem. Each dish is created with purpose and gratitude for the earth and for all of the beings involved in bringing it to the table.

Kind words from a client:

“Untamed was my first retreat and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. When I signed up I just knew I liked being in the Winds, wanted to connect with horses more so, and the timing would work well for a mid summer break from work. What I got out of this experience was so much more. I arrived feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, depleted, and a bit emotionally unstable. When I left I felt alive, grounded, nourished, and felt a sense of presence in the world I haven't felt in a long time. And those feelings have stuck with me ever since leaving. The experiences were immersive and the connections were genuine.  A truly supportive and heartfelt retreat that I look forward to returning to in years to come.” - Sarah A.  

My Education

Equine Alchemy: Equine Assisted Learning & ICF Coaching

Somatic Institute for Women: Somatic Educator Certification

Somatic Wilderness Institute: Trauma Informed Practitioner Certification

Mustang Maddy Human Horse Connection Academy

Traditional Chinese Medicine Yin Yoga

Anusara Yoga

Lived experiences from facilitating circles & retreats and from increasing my own sense of safety and somatic connection


  • The term somatic refers to one's subjective bodily experience as it unfolds moment by moment.

    Soma (greek): body

  • Embodiment is feeling oneself directly, with out the constant narration or interpretation of our thinking mind. Embodiment has no judgment, no commentary from an inner belief, no filters, but presents the raw data of the body " as is". We call this present moment body awareness- direct communication from our deeper self or embodiment. This is a moment where we are not bound to the past or the future & can live in the present moment. We can call this- coming home to the body.

    - Manuela Mischke - Reeds

  • No previous horse experience is needed. You will learn or refine how to safely interact with horses.

  • We can incorporate your horse into our exercises during 1:1 rituals.

  • This offering is for all genders and ages. Place your hands on your heart and belly. Take a few deep breaths and see if you can feel if this offering does or does not resonate with you on a somatic level.

    This is for you if you want to

    Experience moments of deep presence as a form of nervous system nourishment and ecosystem connection

    Embody emotions as sacred messengers for aligned action

    Support your body’s systems by coregulating with the equine heart rhythm

    Form a relationship with your body intelligence as an authority of guidance and information

    Develop non verbal skills to enhance your relational capacities

    Increase your 'window of tolerance' for presence, joy, and flow.

    And / Or if you are

    Going through a major life transformation

    Are experiencing illness or disease

    Holding trauma around horses that you’d like to heal

    Drawn to horses and don’t know why

    Fearful of horses

    Feeling like you aren’t reaching your full potential within your animal or human relationships